Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Quiet Time....

I love quiet time. Not that it's so quiet, but just that I can sit and breathe for a few minutes. The Asher-man and Haven are sleeping, and Jay's usually looking at books or playing upstairs. Today I have a friend doing some running for me while her son is mowing our yard. I'm so thankful for the family and friends that I have close by to help me while Jim's working.
So, yesterday, the boys did something so cute that I have to share:
They were sitting on the floor each with a Bible on his lap. Jay was saying to Asher, "Let's have Bible Study." Asher listened intently. Jay continued, "I can do all things through God and don't make Him cry."
I love that my kids are already seeking a relationship with God. I'm so thankful for this mostly because Jim & I have chosen not to do things the "traditional" way. We don't attend a church, yet we attempt to show our kids our own relationships with God. It's so cool to me that they're seeing that, and that they want to know more about Him.

Kids are awesome! Truly gifts from God!

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